HTHMA Parent Association

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

HTHMA Padres vs Dodgers Game!

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

It's still not too late to attend the Padres vs Dodgers Baseball Game at Petco Park on Saturday May 6th at 5:40 pm.  It's Charter School Appreciation Night with free Tote Bags, and we get slightly discounted discounted tickets!  Tickets to this event are $22 (and include all fees).

Please make checks out to HTHMA PA for the amount and include your student’s name and grade and # of tickets in the memo line.  Put in an envelope, write “HTHMA PA” on the outside and give to Erin at the front desk.

All orders are due by 12 Noon on Friday April 21st (This Friday!).

This will be a sell out game, so don't miss the opportunity to see our Padres take on their rivals, the Dodgers!